Office building for drilling company, Bratislava /SK
Family house, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia / ES
Kindergarten JOVELLANOS, Barcelona /ES
Garage, Bratislava / SK
Family house, Queralbs / ES
Housing with Nursery, Barcelona / ES
Community Centre, Lancy, Genève /CH
Primary School, Sant Julià de Llor i Bonmatí /ES
Community Centre with Theatre, Grand-Saconnex / CH
Student Residence, Genève / CH
Housing, Soral /CH
Secondary School, Renens, Lausanne /CH
Primary School, Romont / CH
Housing, Lausanne / CH
Rehabilitation of an Old Slaughterhouse to a Museum of Modern Art, Ostrava / CZ
Housing, Epalinges / CH
Family House, Prusy / SK
Swimming pool, Ruzomberok / SK
Fire station, Genthod / CH
Rural Hotel, Fregenal de la Sierra / ES
Secondary School, Riaz / CH
Primary School, Lugnorre /CH
Retirement home/ EMS Rozavère, Lausanne / CH